segunda-feira, 28 de outubro de 2024 às 07:27
Site: Moodle @ FCTUNL
Disciplina: Políticas Educativas Europeias (PEE)
Glossário: Autores relevantes

Jarvis, Peter

Peter Jarvis


BA(Sheff), BD(Lond), MSocSc(Birm), PhD(Aston), HonDPhil(Helsinki), FRSA, D.Litt (Surrey), Hon EdD ((Fairfax), Hon Prof Univ (Pecs)

Job title

Professor of Continuing Education


Peter Jarvis is a former head of the Department of Educational Studies and is Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Adult Education, University of Georgia, USA. He has received a variety of academic honours, such as: being President of the British Association of International and Comparative Education (BAICE) in the year 1999-2000; the Cyril O Houle World Award for Adult Education Literature from the American Association of Adult and Continuing Education; the Comenius Award - International ESVA Foundation (Outstanding Adult Educator in Europe - First Holder); he was also the first non-North American to be elected to the International Hall of Fame of Adult and Continuing Education in USA, which is located in University of Oklahoma. He was also awarded a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science research fellowship at the University of Tokyo. He was Noted Scholar at the University of British Columbia, and has been a Visiting Professor at the universities of Ljubljana, Pedagogical University of Tallinn, Tennessee, Alaska at Anchorage and Maryland. He is an honorary member of a number of Professional Associations in different parts of the world. He is also a frequent speaker on all aspects of adult education, distance learning and lifelong learning throughout the world (full list of addresses and venues available).

He has written and edited about 30 books and 200 papers and chapters in books on adult education and learning, continuing professional education, nurse education, primary school education, distance education, third age education. He has also been involved in writing a number of research reports ranging from curriculum evaluation in nursing to older people mentoring in the workplace. He has been grant holder for a number of research projects. He serves on editorial boards of a number of journals in different parts of the world including Adult Education Quarterly in the USA, Comparative Education, and he is an assessor for Nurse Education Today. He is the founding editor of The International Journal of Lifelong Education, which he has edited for nearly twenty-five years.

He taught social sciences part-time for the Open University for thirty years.