Education policy Analysis ArchivesEducation policy Analysis Archives
A a peer reviewed journal published by the Sherman Dorn |
EU-supported educational research 1995-2005 |
EUN European SchoolnetEuropean Schoolnet - " European Schoolnet (EUN) is a unique not-for-profit consortium of 28 ministries of education in Europe created in 1997. EUN provides major European education portals for teaching, learning and collaboration and leads the way in bringing about change in schooling through the use of new technology. Since its establishment, European Schoolnet (EUN) has been at the forefront in supporting the European dimension in schools. This goal is achieved through projects, competitions, activities, communication and information exchange at all levels of school education using innovative technologies. European Schoolnet is at the crossroads of national and regional education networks, building synergies between communities of teachers, learners, developers, researchers and policy-makers. EUNs work is organised in three strands corresponding to its core objective of supporting the efficient use of ICT in education and the European dimension in education: School networking and services; knowledge building and exchange on ICT policy and practice and Interoperability and content exchange." (in "This is EUN",, 2007.10.08). Esta entidade, de natureza associativa, não-governamental, desenvolve várias linahs de trabalho, de que se destaca, no contexto deste projecto, a do Insight. |
EUN Insight" Insight ( is EUNs observatory for new technology and education. It provides policy-makers, school leaders and all actors in the field of ICT in education with news and analysis on e-learning in Europe. A newsletter is also available to inform on the latest stories and reports published on the portal. Among the portal features are country reports which give a detailed description of the latest developments in policy, practice, teacher training, content and infrastructure. The website is organised in three sections: Policy, Interoperability and School Innovation. A separate section brings in regularly a thematic dossier on core issues in ICT in education. Themes are transversally interlinked and access is given to outside resources, e-learning networks and observatories. The latest dossier on Insight is on e-assessment. The Insight portal also offers several tools such as a resource library which gives access to research reports, policy documents and other related e-learning material, share experience and network among peers such as myInsight. The myInsight services includes RSS feeds from the sections of the site you are most interested in, a shared calendar of activities and a partner finding tool in the myInsight Community. To register for myInsight and gain access to the full version of the country reports, use the sign up button on the Insight homepage at" (in "Insight: knowledge base for new technology and education",, 2007.10.08). A Insight é uma iniciativa da EUN - European Schoolnet |
EUR-Lex oferece um acesso directo e gratuito ao direito da União Europeia. O sistema permite consultar o Jornal Oficial da União Europeia e inclui, nomeadamente, os tratados, a legislação, a jurisprudência e os actos preparatórios da legislação. Há a possibilidade de efectuar pesquisas avançadas. Trata-se do melhor site para aceder à Legislação em vigor na União Europeia. |
EuroActiv is the independent media portal fully dedicated to EU affairs. EurActiv has an original business model, based on five elements (corporate sponsoring, EurActor membership, advertising, EU projects, and content syndication). It is well funded and the content usage is free.
The EurActiv web portal is firmly established as the favourite online platform for Brussels and national professionals in EU policies. It brings together journalistic independence with transparency and practical efficiency, complementing the existing EU media and institutional websites.
European Educational Research JournalEuropean Educational Research Journal
The European Educational Research Journal is a peer-refereed international journal devoted to Europeanization in educational research. It publishes aspects of educational research which illuminate the cases and contents of the emerging borderless space of European educational research. |
Eurydice is an institutional network for gathering, monitoring, processing and circulating reliable and readily comparable information on education systems and policies throughout Europe. |
O Gabinete de Assuntos Europeus e Relações Internacionais (GAERI) é o serviço central do Ministério da Educação responsável pelo acompanhamento dos assuntos europeus e internacionais no domínio da educação e formação vocacional de nível não superior. Este serviço foi criado pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 56/96, de 22 de Maio e a sua Lei Orgânica foi aprovada pelo Decreto Regulamentar n.º 15/2004, de 28 de Abril. Educação e Formação 2010 |
Gateway to research on education in EuropeGateway to research on education in Europe
WIFO Gateway Work for the WIFO Gateway has been guided by the following principles:
Collaboration with related networks and websites has been highly valued (see links). The WIFO Gateway is part of the envisaged European Research Area in Education. Address |