Friday, 17 January 2025, 3:43 PM
Site: Moodle @ FCTUNL
Course: Políticas Educativas Europeias (PEE)
Glossary: Fontes de Informação
Ana Margarida Gomes Vicencio

Catálogo com as principais fontes de informação da UE

Catálogo obtido junto do Centro de Informação Europeia Jacques Delors.



Cedefop (1) - the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, established in 1975 (2), is a European agency that helps promote and develop vocational education and training in the European Union (EU). It is the EU's reference centre for vocational education and training.

Centro de Informação Europeia Jacques Delors

Centro de Informação Europeia Jacques Delors

O Centro de Informação Europeia Jacques Delors dá mais Europa aos cidadãos. A partir de Lisboa, Centro Cultural de Belém, chega junto dos cidadãos de todo o mundo de língua portuguesa. Informa, forma, anima, sensibiliza, difunde, edita, promove e mostra a União Europeia (UE).
Actua de norte a sul, do continente às ilhas, do ocidente ao oriente do planeta. Abraça, ainda, as comunidades portuguesas e os povos lusófonos de todos os continentes.


Comissão Europeia - Grupo de Trabalho de Educação e Formação

Compendium de Documentos relacionados com o Programa Educação e Formação 2010

Compendium de documentos relacionados com o Programa Educação e Formação 2010




E-education-europe is a website focusing on comparisons of education and training policies in Europe and for the dissemination of information on european research on education. It intends to:

  • Contribute to strengthening the European perspective in policy-making in education;
  • Provide a user-friendly resource and information base for the research community, policy-makers, analysts, professional associations and practitioners;
  • Help to build bridges between researchers, policy-makers and practitioners.

Education policy Analysis Archives

Education policy Analysis Archives


A a peer reviewed journal

published by the
Mary Lou Fulton College of Education
Arizona State University
and the
College of Education
University of South Florida

Sherman Dorn

EU-supported educational research 1995-2005


Euroactiv is the independent media portal fully dedicated to EU affairs. EurActiv has an original business model, based on five elements (corporate sponsoring, EurActor membership, advertising, EU projects, and content syndication). It is well funded and the content usage is free.


The EurActiv web portal is firmly established as the favourite online platform for Brussels and national professionals in EU policies. It brings together journalistic independence with transparency and practical efficiency, complementing the existing EU media and institutional websites.


European Educational Research Journal

European Educational Research Journal

The European Educational Research Journal is a peer-refereed international journal devoted to Europeanization in educational research. It publishes aspects of educational research which illuminate the cases and contents of the emerging borderless space of European educational research.