144 Tips on Synchronous e-Learning | ||
"In April and May 2008, The eLearning Guild conducted a survey of its members, asking for their favorite tips relating to strategies for effectively creating,managing, and using synchronous e-Learning. (...) We began turning these tips into an organized collection simply by sorting them. The largest group is the 53 tips for Synchronous Speakers and Instructors.The next largest (49 tips) consists of recommended practices and general tips for designers." Sugestões e boas práticas na utilização de ferramentas de comunicação síncrona. |
E-Learning Top Tips | ||
"Tip 6: Feedbac!
We’ve looked in our previous e-learning tips at mistakes and the key role they play in e-learning design. But a mistake’s not worth making if you don’t learn from it. We’ve all been there: the e-learning leaves you hanging with the worst feedback you can get: ‘wrong – try again’. To make sure your mistakes are coupled with support and feedback that will actually help learners, follow these tips." Mais sugestões:http://www.kineo.com/elearning-tips.html |
E-Learning: The Future Unmasked | ||
"Are we unknowingly re-shaping the learning patterns of how we learn by spending increasing amounts of time in front of a computer? Is it helping or hindering education and learning? What are the five key things our networked world has taught people behind our back, and how are they coping with learning in a hypermedia environment? In this talk, Maffin gives you an insider's view of innovative learning projects and a peek into learning in the future."
Handbook of Emerging Technologies for Learning | ||
"Higher education is in the midst of transformative (but exciting) change. Over the next decade, the practices of teaching and learning "will undergo fundamental change"[1] as universities and colleges respond to global, social, political, technological, and learning research trends.Today, the duality of conceptual (new models of education, advancement of social learning theory) and technological (elearning, mobile devices, learning networks) revolutions offers the prospect of transformative change in teaching and learning." Clique no link para aceder ao handbook |
Higher Education in a Web 2.0 World | ||
"Today’s learners exist in a digital age. This implies access to, and use of, a range of Social Web tools and software that provide gateways to a multiplicity of interactive resources for information, entertainment and, not least, communication. We looked at access to digital technologies and their use from the point of view of level and pattern, purpose, approach and consequences." Ler conclusões do estudo em: http://www.jisc.ac.uk/publications/documents/heweb2.aspx |
Learning Designs | ||
http://www.learningdesigns.uow.edu.au/ This web site has been designed for teachers and instructors in higher education to access a rich set of resources that support the development of flexibly delivered high quality learning experiences for students. Use the web site resources to develop high quality learning experiences for students by:
The future of e-learning is social learning | ||
"The first of a 3-part series of presentations. This one covers What is Social Learning? Social Learning Platforms? The role of a Social Learning Professional" http://www.slideshare.net/janehart/the-future-of-elearning-is-social-learnng |