Tuesday, 21 January 2025, 4:32 PM
Site: Moodle @ FCTUNL
Course: Comunidade eLearning FCT (comunidade-eL)
Glossary: Documentos e sites sobre elearning

Learning Designs

by Laboratório e.Learning - Wednesday, 29 July 2009, 2:33 PM


This web site has been designed for teachers and instructors in higher education to access a rich set of resources that support the development of flexibly delivered high quality learning experiences for students.

Use the web site resources to develop high quality learning experiences for students by:

  • exploring a range of proven learning designs, with exemplar aspects and full instructions
  • on how to implement the designs (exemplars)
  • examining a set of generic learning designs to apply in your knowledge domain (guides)
  • making use of a set of tools for supporting learners (tools)
  • reviewing the principles for design of high quality learning experiences (the project)

Mind over Matter - Transforming Course Management Systems into Effective Learning Environments

by Laboratório e.Learning - Tuesday, 10 February 2009, 1:51 PM

"The quick acceptance of course management systems (CMSs) by college and university faculty and students is leading to numerous questions:
1. What is happening in the generally slow-to-change environment of teaching and learning that is permitting this swift adoption?
2. Why would an often clunky, nothing-new-in-the-software application become so swiftly in disciplines across higher education?
3. Why would pedagogy that changes at the pace of a snail on holiday suddenly adopt the CMS for an anytime, all-the-time classroom experience?

The answer to all these questions is threefold, involving (1) the CMS itself; (2) the deeper learning principles addressed by the CMS; and (3) the effective learning environment that is created when these principles are applied to the CMS."


Rapid e-Learning, as an informal educational tool for advanced students

by Laboratório e.Learning - Tuesday, 10 February 2009, 1:49 PM

"Rapid e-Learning is able to answer the need of creating synchronized digital contents and blending different kinds of materials into one format compatible with common VLEs. Therefore, if used as Web 2.0-like tools, rapid e-Learning software can grant the e-learner autonomy to produce self-made contents and the possibility to use a tool which helps e-learners to reinterpret and share more complex resources implying a higher level of understanding and rebuilding."

Artigo que abre perspectivas sobre novos modelos em e-Learning.


So You What to Teach Online?

by Laboratório e.Learning - Tuesday, 21 April 2009, 1:39 PM

"This program is a broadband learning tool intended for those who wish to learn more about online learning. The modules address your role as an instructor, online pedagogy, copyright and assessment. As you view these modules, you'll notice different methods of presentation and different technologies that will help you generate ideias for your own online courses."


Supporting Distance Learners via Moodle Discussion Forums

by Laboratório e.Learning - Thursday, 2 April 2009, 6:21 PM

"The fundamental reason for using discussion forums is that they offer the potential to bridge the distance between student and tutor and between students themselves in distance learning courses. Realising that potential, however, places the tutor in a central role, particularly in the early stages of a course as students learn to negotiate the new learning environment as well as the subject content. A second important argument for the use of discussion forums is that writing – online discussion is a written form of communication - aids thinking and reflection"

The future of e-learning is social learning

by Laboratório e.Learning - Monday, 27 April 2009, 11:31 AM

The future of e-learning is social learning:

"The first of a 3-part series of presentations. This one covers What is Social Learning? Social Learning Platforms? The role of a Social Learning Professional"
