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Ahonen, T. and J. O'Reilly (2007). Digital Korea : convergence of Broadband Internet, 3G Cell Phones, multiplayer gaming, digital TV, virtual reality, electronic cash, telematics, robotics, e-government and the intelligent home. London, Futuretext.

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Bell, L. and R. B. Trueman (2008). Virtual worlds, real libraries : librarians and educators in Second Life and other multi-user virtual environments. Medford, N.J., Information Today.

Bethea, K. M. (2002). Teenage girls in virtual worlds : do they find online classes meaningful? : [dissertation proposal].

Boellstorff, T. (2008). Coming of age in second life : an anthropologist explores the virtually human. Princeton, Princeton University Press.

Burgoon, J. K. (2007). Truth, lies, and virtual worlds. Boston, Pearson Education, Inc.

Carr, P. and G. Pond (2007). The unofficial tourists' guide to Second Life. New York, St. Martin's Griffin.

Cassell, J. (2000). Embodied conversational agents. Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press.

Castronova, E. (2005). Synthetic worlds : the business and culture of online games. Chicago, University of Chicago Press.

Castronova, E. (2007). Exodus to the virtual world : how online fun is changing reality. New York, Palgrave Macmillan.

Cavallaro, D. (2000). Cyberpunk and cyberculture : science fiction and the work of William Gibson. London ; New Brunswick, NJ Somerset, N.J., Athlone Press; Distributed in the United States by Transaction Publishers.

Chidambaram, L., I. Zigurs, et al. (2001). Our virtual world the transformation of work, play and life via technology. Hershey, Pa., Idea Group Pub.: ii, 250 p.

Duranske, B. T. (2008). Virtual law : navigating the legal landscape of virtual worlds. Chicago, American Bar Association.

Evans, T. L. and P. T. Daly (2006). Digital archaeology : bridging method and theory. London ; New York, Routledge.

Garsten, C. and H. Wulff (2003). New technologies at work : people, screens, and social virtuality. Oxford ; New York, Berg.

Gibson, W. (1984). Neuromancer. New York, Ace Science Fiction Books.

Haugtvedt, C. P., K. A. Machleit, et al. (2005). Online consumer psychology understanding and influencing consumer behavior in the virtual world. Advertising and consumer psychology. Mahwah, N.J., Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: xx, 551 p.

Joinson, A. N. (2003). Understanding the psychology of Internet behaviour : virtual worlds, real lives. New York, Palgrave Macmillan.

Keene, C. (2008). Secret identity. New York, Aladdin Paperbacks.


Nancy Drew investigates when a middle school girl becomes the target of bullies in an online virtual world.

Knight, S., P. Telesco, et al. (2002). The cyber spellbook magick in the virtual world. Franklin Lakes, NJ, New Page Books: 190 p.

Liatowitsch, D. (2002). Avatars offline a documentary. [S.l.], Dallica Pictures,.

Documentary exploring the addictive phenomenom of online virtual worlds such as Ultima Online, Everquest, Dark Age of Camelot and Star Wars Galaxies, featuring interviews with developers, players, scholars and critics.

Ludlow, P. and M. Wallace (2007). The Second Life Herald : the virtual tabloid that witnessed the dawn of the metaverse. Cambridge, Mass., The MIT Press.

Mansfield, R. (2008). How to do everything with Second life. New York, Mcgraw-Hill.

Meadows, M. S. (2008). I, avatar : the culture and consequences of having a second life. Berkeley, CA, New Riders.

Minsky, R. (2007). SLART. Stockport, N.Y., Richard Minsky.

Nayar, P. K. (2004). Virtual worlds : culture and politics in the age of cybertechnology. New Delhi ; Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage Publications.

Nunes, M. (2006). Cyberspaces of everyday life. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press.

Ohta, Y. and H. Tamura (1999). Mixed reality : merging real and virtual worlds. Tokyo Secaucus, NJ, Ohmsha; Distributed in North America by Springer-Verlag New York.

Printz, B., J. Lanier, et al. (2006). Truth, technology, and the visual/virtual world. [Cleveland, Ohio], Cleveland Public Library.

Ryan, M.-L. (2006). Avatars of story. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press.

Rymaszewski, M. (2007). Second life : the official guide. [San Francisco, Calif. Chichester ; Hoboken, N.J., Sybex]; John Wiley [distributor].

Sasson-Henry, P. (2007). Borges 2.0 : from text to virtual worlds. New York, Peter Lang.

Schroeder, R. and A.-S. Axelsson (2006). Avatars at work and play : collaboration and interaction in shared virtual environments. Dordrecht, the Netherlands, Springer.

Shih, T. K., P. P. Wang, et al. (2004). Intelligent virtual world technologies and applications in distributed virtual environment. New Jersey, World Scientific: xi, 391 p.

Thieme, R. and A. Briney (2004). Islands in the clickstream : reflections on life in a virtual world. Rockland, MA, Syngress Publishing ; distributed by O'Reilly & Associates.

Trautmann, E. S. (2004). The art of Halo : creating a virtual world. New York, Del Rey.

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Weber, A., K. Rufer-Bach, et al. (2008). Creating your world : the official guide to advanced content creation for Second life. Indianapolis, IN, Wiley Pub.

The book includes details on how to design and use Second Life content, covering such important skills as building, texturing, scripting, animating, and terraforming and discusses how to create scripts to communicate and interact with the world and manage data.