Publicações dos elementos do SEG
(para obter algumas destas publicações deverá ser um utilizador registado)
- Artigos em revistas científicas internacionais, com refereeing
- Mergers in the food retailing sector: an empirical investigation, 2005, European Economic Review (forthcoming), com Pedro P. Barros e Diogo Lucena (FEUNL).
- Should the authorities consider alternative mergers?, 2005, International Journal of Industrial Organization (forthcoming)
- Preemptive mergers under spatial competition, 2003, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 21/10, pp 1601-1622.
- Is there a change in efficiency theory?, 2003, International Journal of the Economics of Business, Volume 10, Number 3, pp . 337-345, com Cesaltina Pires (U. Évora).
- Setting upper limits on merger related efficiencies, 2002, Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade 2 (4), pp 287- 309. December 2002.
- Optimal Credit Market Policies Under Default Risk, Revista de Econometria (Brazilian Econometric Review) (18), 1999, pags 1-20.
- HIC’s Optimal Trade Openness and the Modelling of the Default Penalty, Journal of International Money and Finance (17), 1998, pags. 803-811.
- HIC’s Optimal Trade Openness and the Modelling of the Default Penalty, Journal of International Money and Finance (17), 1998, pags. 803-811.
- Incentives for Cost Reducing Innovations Under Quantitative Import Restraints, Annales d'Économie et de Statistique (49/50), 1998, pags. 479-493, com Emmanuel Petrakis e Praveen Kujal (U. Carlos III de Madrid).
- Evaluating Debt Buybacks: What are the Alternatives to Investment? Journal of International Economics, 40 (3/4), Maio de 1996, pags. 477-494.
- Capítulos em livros
- Incentives to Upgrade Cable Networks, in J.P. Choi ed., Recent Developments in Antitrust Analysis, MIT Press, (forthcoming), com Pedro Pereira.
- Monetary Policy Misspecification in VAR Models, in New Trends in Macroeconomics, Diebolt, C. and Kyrtsou, C. (Eds.), com Canova, F., 2004.
- Monetary Policy Misspecification in VAR Models, in New Trends in Macroeconomics, Diebolt, C. and Kyrtsou, C. (Eds.), com Canova, F., 2004.
- Sistema de Justiça e Desempenho da Economia, em Novas Políticas para a Competitividade (Cap. 8) Celta Editora, 2003.
- Credit Markets in Brazil: The Role of Judicial Enforcement and Other Institutions, Chapter 5 in Defusing Default: Incentives and Institutions, Marco Pagano (Ed.) Washington: Interamerican Development Bank, OCDE, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001.
- Incentives for Cost Reducing Innovations Under Quantitative Import Restraints, com Emmanuel Petrakis e Praveen Kujal (Univ. Carlos III de Madrid), em The Economics and Econometrics of Innovation, Kluwer Academic Press, 2000.
- Livros
- A Justiça e o seu Impacte sobre as Empresas Portuguesas, Coimbra Editora, 2003.
- Outros artigos
- O Sistema de Justiça e a Economia Portuguesa, em Economia & Prospectiva: Por uma Economia Mais Competitiva, Ministério da Economia, 2003.
- Brazilian Trade Policies and Economic Effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Revista da ANPEC, São Paulo, Brasil, 1994.
- Causalidade Moeda-Preço na Área do Euro, Boletim Económico, Set. 2003, Banco de Portugal (com Carlos Robalo Marques).
- A Experiência do Escudo no MTC e a Eficácia da Gestão Cambial, Boletim Económico, Jun. 2003, Banco de Portugal (com Bernardino Adão).
- Credibilidade e Administração da Dívida Pública: um estudo para o Brasil. Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Económico e Social (BNDES), São Paulo, Brasil, 1998.
- Risco Cambial no Sistema Monetário Europeu após o alargamento das Bandas de Flutuação, Boletim Trimestral, vol.16, n.1, Mar. 1994, Banco de Portugal.
- Woking papers
- Ownership Structure of Cable Networks and Competition in Local Access, 2005, com Pedro Pereira, Economics Working Paper Archive at WUSTL.
- Mergers when firms sell asymmetric complements, 2003, com Margarida Catalão Lopes, Research Paper No. 7, Centro de Estudos de Gestão - Instituto Superior Técnico.
- Should the authorities consider alternative mergers?, 2003, Working Paper Nº 1, Autoridade da Concorrência.
- Mergers in the presence of economies of scope: a study on coalition formation, 2002, with João Gata, ISEG/DE Working Paper 08/2002/DE/UECE.
- Monetary Policy Misspecification in VAR Models, CEPR Discussion Papers, 1999.
- A learning curve: Uma Aplicação de Controlo Óptimo, FEUNL Working Paper nº 267, December 1995.