Lista de tópicos



    The Seminar on Energy and Climate Change aims to deepen the intrinsic relationship between climate change and one of its major causes, energy production and consumption, while taking the perspective of greenhouse gas emissions mitigation. Technological, economic and environmental aspects will be addressed. At the end of the course, students will be able to perform a critical and robust analysis on:
    a. the impact of energy options on the problem of climate change from the perspective of systems analysis and in the medium to long term;
    b. the importance of clean energy production to economic competitiveness, in particular within the regulatory framework to promote low-carbon economy;  

    c. prospecting and developing a plan for the success of an economic activity within a neutral carbon economy.


  • Class 1

    [23 Feb 2019] Introduction to the concept of energy system, and how it relates with climate change. Aim and purpose of the course. Evaluation scheme. J. Seixas, FCT-UNL

  • Class 2

    [1 Mar 2019] Current state of the global energy system; energy access; concepts of energy and carbon intensity.  (J.Seixas, FCT NOVA)

  • Class 3a

    [8 Mar 2019: 2pm-4pm] Session reserved for students meeting with the Scientific Committee on practical aspects of the PhD Program, and choice of tutors.

  • Class 3b

    [8 march 2019] Global balance of CO2 emissions associated with energy and industrial processes. Estimates of the Global Carbon Budget ( and its relationship to the global energy system and changes in land use. Future scenarios for greenhouse gas emissions: RCPs (Representative Concentration Pathways). Global emissions based on consumption vs. production. (J.Seixas, FCT-UNL)

  • Class 4

    [15 March 2019] Energy Demand for Medium to Long Term Decisions (Dr. João Pedro Gouveia, FCT NOVA)

  • Class 5

    [22 march 2019]

    Trabalho prático com dados de energia e de emissões de gases com efeito de estufa (GEE): consultas a bases de dados (PORDATA, DGEG, EUROSTAT), conversões de energia; criação de indicadores; estimativa de emissões de GEE.

    Hands-on work with energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data: access to databases (PORDATA, DGEG, EUROSTAT), energy conversions; energy and GHG emissions indicators; GHG emissions estimation.

  • Class 6

    [5 April 2019]  Renewables: role in global energy balance; investment trend, key concepts to understand the role of renewables within an energy system  (LCEO, supply curves, learning curves, capacity factor, dispatchability, system value). Example of power system transition towards carbon neutral economy (PT).  (Julia Seixas. FCT NOVA).

  • Class 7

    [12 april 2019] Carbon Pricing: performance of the EU-ETS since 2005; ETS and carbon tax schemes around the world. Julia Seixas, FCT-UNL

  • Class 8

    [26 april 2019] INTEGRATED ENERGY SYSTEMS ASSESSMENT: how to project the future energy systems? Energy-water-land nexus. Julia Seixas FCT NOVA

  • Class 9

    [4 may 2019] Energia solar PV.  António Joyce (LNEG)

  • Class 10

    [11 may, 2019] Debate: A vision towards sustainable and carbon neutral energy system: is it possible for everyone? J. Seixas, FCT-UNL

    1 - Every student must read the 4 papers carefully, to inform your vision (positive prospects vs. bottlenecks and barriers), and make the homework to come well prepared (ideas + arguments + some numbers as necessary to support its perspective) to contribute to the debate. Each student may choose its own perspective (e.g. developing country or very rich country, global company or small company or other organisation, etc).  

    2 - At the class, three groups (5-6 students each) will work together, along the following agenda:  

    15 min: tour de table, each student presents him/herself with the role he/she will have in the debate, by making a single statement about its ambition (one phrase); a rapporteur must be elected.  

    50 min: debate inside each group to answer the following guiding questions: (1) what are the (different and diverse) opportunities to achieve a sustainable and neutral carbon energy system to provide the energy services for the economy and consumers? (2) what barriers exist for such transformation? (3) what are the key factors to invest in? (4) what aspects should be avoided? [you may cover all aspects, from technology to financing, education or policy instruments, among others] 

    3*15 min: Each rapporteur presents the key issues concluded in his/her table + Q&A (15 min each)

    10 min: Final remarks

  • Class 11

    Field Trip

  • Class 12

    [25 May 2019] Class reserved to discuss the work with the students: scope of the work, methods, and expected results. 

    J. Seixas, FCT-UNL

  • Class 13

    [7 june 2019] Biomass for climate mitigation