Fórum PEE

Congresso da ISA

Congresso da ISA

von Mariana Alves -
Anzahl Antworten: 0

<?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /><?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Research Committee on Sociology of Education

Comité de Investigação em Sociologia da Educação


<?xml:namespace prefix = w ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" />Conferência Internacional 2008

Midterm Conference 2008

Educação, Globalização e Cidadania.

Novas perspetivas em Sociologia da Educação


Education, Globalization, and Citizenship.

New perspectives on Sociology of Education


João Pessoa - Brasil, 19-22 Fevereiro/February 2008


Áreas temáticas:


Reconfigurando o mundo da Educação: agenda neoliberal e espaços de resistência

Os novos modos de regulação das políticas educacionais: as tensões entre o local, o nacional e o transnacional

Educação, Cidadania e Identidade(s)

Educação, migrações, direitos humanos e exclusão

A Governação da Educação: avaliação, accountibility e participação democrática

Escola-cidadã: pode a escola ser outra coisa? Relatos de vidas e experiências

Inclusão social e educativa: a igualdade e a diferença na escola para todos

O que se ensina na escola? Políticas curriculares em tempos de globalização e de reconfiguração do conhecimento

Vida de Professor: trabalho docente e militantismo social

Universidades, Estado e Mercado. Para onde vamos?

Os outros territórios de educação e formação

Os movimentos sociais e a Educação

Problemas metodológicas no estudo das sociedades contemporâneas e das instituições educacionais


Sessões especiais

SE1 - Paulo Freire: legado, atualidade e prospectiva

SE2 A Sociologia da Educação nas Américas: espaços e modos de cooperação

SE3 - A responsabilidade social dos cientistas: política, ciência e emancipação social





Remaking the World of Education: Neoliberal Agenda and Spaces of Resistance

News ways of Governance and Educational Policies: The Tensions between the Local, the National and the Transnational Levels

Education, Citizenship and Identity(is)

Education, Migrations, Human Rights and Exclusion

The Governance of Education: Assessment, Accountability, and Democratic Participation

School-Citizen: Could Schooling be another thing? Experiences

Social and Educational Inclusion: Equity and Difference in a School for Alls

What do we teach at schools: Curriculum and Knowledge in a Globalization Time

Teacher Lives: Teacher Work and Social Militants

University, State, and Market: Where are we going?

The others Territories of Education and Training

Social Movements and Education

Methodological issues in the study of contemporary societies and educational institutions



Special sessions

SE1 Paulo Freire: Legacy, Present, and Future

SE 2 Sociology of Education in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Americas: ways and spaces of cooperation

SE 3 - The Social Responsibility of Scientists: Politics, Science, and Social Emancipation




Professor Afonso Celso Scocuglia

Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Centro de Educação

Cidade Universitária 

João Pessoa - PB - Brasil

CEP - 58051-900

Fone: (55) 83. 3216-7200

E.mail: <font color="#003366">scocuglia@terra.com.br

Website : http://www.ce.ufpb.br/ce/



Important dates


Call for proposals

May 2007


Deadline for submitting proposal

 31 October 2007


Notification of acceptance

 23 November 2007


Early Registration

 21 December  2007


Deadline for late registration

 1 February 2008


Deadline for paper submission to be included in the electronic book proceedings

 1 February 2008


Conference take place

19-22 February 2008







Joao Pessoa Travel Guide

Joao Pessoa is the extreme eastern point of continental Brazil (as well as Americas!), and greenest city in Brazil, just north of Olinda and Recife and south of Pipa and Natal.

The Cabo Branco (White Cape), with Longitude W34º44'55" is a must for visitors; for a long time, Cabo Branco was the Eastern most point of Americas, and a lighthouse was built to register the landmark. However, over the past decades, the marine erosion carried land away from Cabo Branco and deposited it on Ponta Seixas, about 3 km South; Ponta Seixas is officially considered today the most Oriental point in continental Brazil.

The main reason people come here is for the beaches, but before you head for the prayas you should at least check out the Igreja de Sao Francisco, one of the nicest churches in the country (there's a panel in perspective on its ceiling, said to be the third largest in the world...).

The Lagoa is a nice place to relax a bit, it's a big park. Buses leave from here to Tambaú one of the main beaches just east of town with an exciting nightlife scene. Praia de Cabo Branco, Praia da Penha and Tambaba (nudist beach) are also good options.