Fórum PEE

Preparação do simposio para a ECER 2008

Preparação do simposio para a ECER 2008

by Cláudia Neves -
Number of replies: 0
Aqui estão as informações da ECER para a proposta de um simpósio:

A symposium consists of at least THREE linked papers chosen to demonstrate a range of perspectives or variety of approaches.
At least THREE countries must be represented amongst the contributors.
It normally lasts 90 minutes, but can extend beyond this depending on the number of papers. Each paper will normally be allocated 1520 minutes.
One person should submit the full proposal. For each paper, the proposer must indicate its title and author(s). Up to four authors can be named for each paper.
The EERA Office will not send for review any proposals with missing information. Nor will it match any single papers to symposia.
A chair and a discussant, who can offer a critique of the symposium as a whole, should also be named on the proposal.
The proposer must indicate on the Proposal Form which of the named authors will be presenting each paper. All those attending must register for the Main Conference.
The proposer is responsible for communicating with all contributors and with the EERA Office about the proposal.

Abstracts for Symposia and the papers presented in Symposia
The proposer needs to fill in the online submission form, which will ask for information on the symposium as such. He or she will also need to upload a Word document with abstracts of all papers which will be presented in the symposium.
In order to evaluate the academic quality of the proposal the following information needs to be provided:
1. Description of the symposium e.g. topic, research question, objective,
purpose, value, conceptual or theoretical framework, state of the art
2. Methodology or methods/research instruments or sources used
3. Conclusions or expected outcomes or findings
4. References (including own publications)
5. Please note! For each paper which will be presented in the symposium,
additional information has to be given!
In order to hand in information on the individual papers in the symposium a Word document has to be uploaded by the symposium proposer, including:
the titles of all papers within in the symposium,
names and institutions of each contributing author,
names of presenting authors,
a 150200 word abstract for each individual paper.
All presenting or attending authors must register for the conference.
You may find it helpful to prepare your text in a Word document and copy-paste it into the online submission form.
Remember to always save your data before leaving the system! The conference
management system will send a confirmation email each time you have successfully entered or changed data. Please use English!