Dale, Roger


Notas curriculares:

Roger Dale is Professor of Education.  Until 2002, he was Professor of Education at the University of Auckland. Prior to moving to Auckland, he had been involved in producing courses in sociology of education and education policy at the Open University for almost 20 years.

Whilst at Auckland he led (with Susan Robertson) a major research study into the responses to globalisation of four education systems--Alberta (Canada), New Zealand, Scotland and Singapore. One strand of investigation was the role of regional organisations (EU, NAFTA and APEC) in national responses to globalisation.

This led to a major interest in the EU and education policy, which is now the main focus of his work, complementing and extending qualitatively his earlier work on the state and education policy. It led to him becoming Academic Coordinator of the EU Erasmus Thematic Network, GENIE (Globalisation and Europeanisation in Education) which was based in the GES.

Together with Susan Robertson he co-founded the journal Globalisation, Societies and Education, whose first volume was published in 2003.

Interesses de investigação:

Globalização, Europeização e govenrnance da educação, POlítica educativa, organizações internacionais, metodologia de crítica política


Dale, Roger (1989). The State and education policy. Milton Keynes, Philadelphia: Open University Press.

Dale, Roger (1994). A Promoção do Mercado Educacional e a polarização da educação. Educação, Sociedade e Culturas, 2, 109-139.

Dale, Roger (1988). A Educação e o Estado Capitalista: Contribuições e Contradições. Educação e Realidade, 13 (1), pp. 17-37).



Pertinência para o projecto:

Dale  tem vindo a salientar a importância das organizações internacionais na transnacionalização do campo educativo e na configuração de uma agenda globalmente estruturada, funcionando a crescente internacionalização e funcionamento em rede como elemento de legitimação e de mandato das configurações e opções políticas nacionais.

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