Lingard, Bob

Bob Lingard

Notas curriculares:

Sociólogo da educação que lecciona disciplinas depolítica educativa e reforma educativa, sobretudo ao nível das pós-graduações.

He took up his research professorship at the School of Education at the University of Sheffield in 2004. At Sheffield, Bob is Chair of the School´s Caribbean Program. Prior to that he held a personal chair in the School of Education at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia where he worked for 15 years. For the last two years he was Head of School. Until the end of 2003 Bob also chaired the Queensland Studies Authority for the Queensland government. This statutory authority is responsible for syllabus development for all Queensland schools, as well as managing the school-based teacher moderated system of assessment in the senior years.

Bob´s research interests include educational policy, especially in the context of globalisation and postcolonial developments, and also in relation to school reform, gender equity, boys and schooling, social justice, pedagogies and teachers' work, and the role and workings of the state. He is the author/editor of ten books. The most recent of these include the co-authored Leading Learning: Making Hope Practical in Schools (Buckingham, Open University Press, 2003), the co-authored The OECD, Globalisation and Education Policy (Oxford, Pergamon, 2001), the co-authored Men Engaging Feminisms: Profeminism, Backlashes and Schooling (Buckingham, Open University Press, 1999) and the co-authored, Educational Policy and the Politics of Change (London, Routledge, 1997). He is co-author of the forthcoming, 2005) Teachers and Schools Making a Difference (Sydney, Allen and Unwin) and co-editor with Professor Jenny Ozga from the University of Edinburgh of the forthcoming RoutledgeFalmer Reader in Educational Policy and Politics. Bob is the author of more than 100 journal articles and book chapters and is also editor of the journal, Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. He is also editor of a book series with Allen and Unwin entitled Issues in Education.

From 1998-2001, Bob directed a large research study for Education Queensland and funded by the Queensland government, entitled the Queensland School Reform Longitudinal Study. The final reports were submitted to Education Queensland in mid-2001 and are available from them. This research developed the concepts of productive pedagogies, productive assessment and productive leadership that have been influential in subsequent reforms in Queensland schools and elsewhere in Australia. In 2002, along with Dr Wayne Martino, Dr Martin Mills and Dr Mark Bahr, Bob completed a research study for the federal Department of Education, Science and Training in Australia, entitled Addressing the Educational Needs of Boys. The final report from this study was published by DEST early in 2003. Bob has also been the recipient for four large Australian Research Council grants.

From 1999-2000 Bob was president of the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) and was an Executive member from 1994 until 2001.

Interesses de investigação:

Sociology of Education
Educational Policy
Gender Equity and Schooling
Boys and Schooling
Educational Reform
Globalisation and Educational Policy
Postcolonial Theory and Education
Federalism and Education in Australia
Productive Pedagogies

Editorships and Memberships of Editorial Boards of Journals

Editor: Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education
Member: Editorial Board: International Journal of Inclusive Education
Member: Editorial Board: Melbourne Studies in Education
Member: Editorial Board: European Educational Research Journal
Member: Editorial Board: Globalisation, Societies and Education
Member: Editorial Board: Policy Futures in Education
Editor: Book Series, Issues in Education, Allen and Unwin.
Executive member Australian Association for Research in Education: 1994-2001
President Australian Association for Research in Education: 1999-2000

Publicações recentes:

Lingard, B., Hayes, D., Mills, M. and Christie, P. (2003) Leading Learning: Making Hope Practical in Schools. Buckingham, Open University Press.

Lingard, B. and Douglas, P. (1999) Men Engaging Feminisms: Profeminism, Backlashes and Schooling. Buckingham,Open University Press.

Lingard, B. (2000) It Is and It Isn't: Vernacular Globalisation, Educational Policy and Restructuring. In Burbules, N. and Torres, C. (eds) Globalisation and Education. New York, Routledge, pp. 79-108.

Lingard, B. (2003) Where to in Gender Policy in Education after Recuperative Masculinity Politics? International Journal of Inclusive Education, 7 (1), pp.33-56.

Lingard, B. (2001) Some Lessons for Educational Researchers: Repositioning Research in Education and Education in Research. Australian Educational Researcher. 28 (3), pp.1-46.

Lingard, B., Hayes, D. and Mills, M. (2003) Teachers and Productive Pedagogies: Contextualising, Conceptualising, Utilising. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 11 (3), pp.399-424.

Lingard, B. and Rawolle, S. (2004) Mediatizing educational policy: the journalistic field, science policy, and cross-field effects, Journal of Education Policy, 19 (3), pp.361-380.

Mills, M., Martino, W. and Lingard, B. (2004) Attracting, recruiting and retaining male teachers: policy issues in the male teacher debate, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 25 (3), pp.355-369.

Martino, W., Lingard, B. and Mills, M. (2004) Issues in boys´ education: a question of teacher threshold knowledges?, Gender and Education, 16 (4), pp.435-454.


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Pertinência para o projecto:

Investigação sobre política educativa.

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