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Balanskat, A. et al (2007)

Título: The ICT Impact Report

Autores: Anja Balanskat, Roger Blamire, Stella Kefalla

Publicação da EUN - European Schoolnet, Bruxelas, 2007

Ball e Forzani

What Makes Education Research "Educational"?

Biesta, G. (2005)

"Against learning: reclaiming a language for education in an age of learning"

Biesta, G. (2006)


A tod@s, olá,


Acrescento textos de um autor que ouvi na ECER 2007: Gert Biesta; uns decorrem do projecto learning lives, outros surgem noutros contextos.


Boas leituras.



Borg & Mayo

(2005). The EU Memorandum on lifelong learning. Old wine in new bottles?. "Globalisation, Societies and Education", Vol.3, n.2, 203-225

Nota: artigo muito citado pela Fátima Antunes, no último capítulo do seu mais recente livro (2008). Tal como o título indica, faz, como eu e a Cláudia, uma análise do Memorando.

Bridges, D.

Evidence-based Reform in Education:
a response to Robert Slavin

Brock, C. & Tulasiewicz, W. (Ed.) (2000).

Education in a single Europe (2.ª ed.). London: Routledge.


This book brings together contributors from the fifteen member states of the European Union in order to understand the different degrees of commitment to the concept of Europe and the role education plays in such a process. This second edition includes the new countries which have become part of the Union and also considers recent developments in policy and practice. The introduction considers the main issues involved in education across contemporary Europe, while subsequent chapters provide individual case studies for nations. The countries covered are: Austria; Belgium; Denmark; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Ireland; Italy; Luxembourg; The Netherlands; Portugal; Spain; Sweden and the United Kingdom. All sectors of education are dealt with in each case and the central theme of the European dimension is examined throughout. Contributors also explore any matters of special relevance within their particular countries. Europe as a concept emerges as very much in development, with the European identity being reinforced throughout the various education systems and supported by the success of link schemes. The material presented here will make a significant contribution to the literature in this field of research and study.

No capítulo disponibilizado (Introdução), os autores fazem uma retrospectiva de como a Educação se foi tornando, a par da economia e da política internacional, um factor de coesão das nações da UE.