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SHEILA RIDDELL, E. W., JUDITH LITJENS, JIM CROWTHER and JOHN HOLFORD (2007) Developing a Typology of Approaches to Lifelong Learning in Europe: Varieties of Capitalism and Approaches to Lifelong Learning. Working Paper n. 15. LLL2010 Project Consortium

This Working Paper is published in the Working Paper Series of an international research project “Towards a Lifelong Learning Society in Europe: the Contribution of the Education System” (acronym LLL2010) to reflect state of the art results of the research still in progress. The project involves researchers from thirteen countries and regions of Europe: Scotland, England, Ireland,
Austria, Belgium, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Norway and Russia.
Further information on the project is available online
The project LLL2010 consists of five Subprojects (SPs). This Working Paper is prepared for the Subproject 1
“Review of Literature and Policy Documents”. In addition to the Country Reports, which are published in the LLL2010 Working Paper Series, the Comparative Report “Lifelong Learning: Patterns of Policy in Thirteen European Countries” is also available online.
This paper, then titled “Varieties of Capitalism and Approaches to Lifelong Learning”, was first presented at
the symposium on “Lifelong Learning and Social Justice: macro, micro and meso perspectives”, organised by British Educational Research Association Conference, London Institute of Education, on September 6.-8.,
2007. Further details on this event can be found at

Slavin, R.

Evidence-based Reform in Education: what will it take?