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    The Fraunhofer ISE agrivoltaic research plant at Lake Constance: 

    The solar modules, with an output of 195 kilowatts, generate electricity on five-metre-high steel structures, so tractors and combined harvesters can easily fit underneath. Over the past three years, farmers have used the fields to grow winter wheat, potatoes, celery, grass and clover leys under the steel structure. Read more here.

    The Seminar on Energy and Climate Change will let you deep on the intrinsic relationship between climate change and the energy system. Technological, economic and environmental aspects will be addressed, within the mitigation goal. At the end of the course, students will be able to perform a critical and robust analysis on:
    a. the impact of energy options on the climate change problem, taking the perspective of systems analysis and in the medium to long term;
    b. the importance of clean energy production to economic competitiveness, within the regulatory framework to promote carbon neutrality;  
    c. how to develop a prospecting plan for the success of an economic activity within a carbon neutral economy.

  • Introduction

    [26 Feb 2021] Introduction to the concept of energy system, and how it relates with climate change. Aim and purpose of the course. Evaluation scheme. J. Seixas, FCT-UNL

  • Meeting with Students

    [5 Mar 2021] Session reserved for students meeting with the Scientific Committee on practical aspects of the PhD Program, and choice of tutors.

  • Global Energy System

    [12 mar 2021] Current state of the global energy system; energy access; concepts of energy and carbon intensity.  J.Seixas, FCT NOVA

  • Global GHG Emissions Budgets

    [19 march 2021] Global balance of CO2 emissions associated with energy and industrial processes. Estimates of the Global Carbon Budget (http://www.globalcarbonproject.org/) and its relationship to the global energy system and changes in land use. Global Methane Budget. Global Nitrous Oxide Budget (J.Seixas, FCT-UNL)

  • Renewables I

    [27 march 2021]  Renewables: State of the art on renewables. The role of renewables in decarbonizing the energy systems (Julia Seixas. FCT NOVA).

  • Hydrogen

    [9 april 2021] Hydrogen technologies for energy supply and consumption, and its role for carbon neutral energy systems. Patrícia Fortes (CENSE, FCT NOVA)

  • Drawdown

    [16 april 2021] Drawdown - Climate Solutions for a New Decade João Pedro Gouveia, (CENSE-FCT NOVA)

  • Renewables II

    [24 april 2021]  Renewables: Selected concepts to understand the role of renewables in the energy systems: LCOE, capacity factor, learning curves, dispatchability, system value. Julia Seixas, FCT-NOVA

    [Support material included in the presentation of class Renewables I]

  • Carbon Pricing

    [7 maio 2021] Carbon Pricing: Rationale and state of the artEU-ETS and carbon tax schemes. 

  • Carbon pricing

    [14 maio 2021] Conclusion of the topic Carbon Pricing


  • Debate

    [22 maio, 2021] Debate: Uma visão para um sistema de energia sustentável e neutro em carbono: é possível para todos? J. Seixas, FCT-NOVA (below, in english)

    1 - Todos os alunos devem ler os 4 artigos cuidadosamente, para informarem a sua visão (perspectivas positivas versus barreiras) e fazerem o trabalho de casa por forma a estarem bem preparados (ideias + argumentos + algumas estatísticas necessárias para apoiar a respetiva perspectiva) para o debate. Cada aluno deve escolher uma perspectiva específica, por exemplo, a perspectiva de país em desenvolvimento ou de país rico, de uma empresa global ou de uma pequena empresa, de uma ONG ou de outra organização, ou qualquer outra. Os estudantes devem organizar-se em grupos de 2 elementos que representarão a mesma perspectiva, e devem preparar conjuntamente as posições no debate.

    É necessário haver dois voluntários (um homem + uma mulher) para fazer uma breve apresentação (10 min no total máximo) com base no artigo 'EnergyVision (vanVuuren, 2012)' onde deve sistematizar os principais desafios e oportunidades que se colocam à transformação do sistema energético.

    2 - O debate será desenvolvido da seguinte forma:

    11h10 (10 min): Apresentação inicial pelos dois voluntários.

    11h20 (20 min): Tour de table, em que cada grupo de estudantes apresenta quem estão a representar no debate (ou seja, país em desenvolvimento ou país muito rico, empresa global ou pequena empresa, ONG ou outra organização ou qualquer outra) e faz uma única declaração (1-2 frases) sobre a sua expectativa em relação à questão-chave do debate (ver o título). Cada grupo deve decidir previamente quem fará esta primeira intervenção.

    11h40 (60 min): O debate evoluirá em torno das seguintes questões, entre outras que possam surgir: (1) quais são as (diferentes e diversas) oportunidades para alcançar um sistema energético sustentável e neutro em carbono para fornecer os serviços de energia necessários à economia e aos consumidores? (2) que barreiras existem para esta transformação? (3) quais são os principais fatores que condicionam o investimento para a transformação energética? (4) que aspectos devem ser evitados? [devem considerar nas intervenções aspectos da tecnologia, financiamento, educação, instrumentos de política, entre outros]. O aluno de cada grupo deve levantar a mão (no ZOOM) para pedir para intervir!

    12h40 (20 min): Considerações finais de cada grupo sobre o que mudou na sua perspectiva inicial relativamente à pergunta principal do debate (1-2 frases). Cada grupo deve decidir previamente quem fará esta intervenção final.

    13h00 Fecho


    [22 may, 2021] Debate: A vision towards sustainable and carbon neutral energy system: is it possible for everyone? J. Seixas, FCT-NOVA

    1 - All students must read the 4 papers carefully, to inform your vision (positive prospects vs. bottlenecks and barriers), and make the homework to be well prepared (ideas + arguments + some statistics as necessary to support your perspective) to contribute to the debate. Each student may choose its own perspective, for example developing country or very rich country, global company or small company, NGO or other organisation, or any other. The students should organize themselves in groups of 2 students representing the same perspective, to prepare jointly the positions in the debate. 

    There is the need to have two volunteers (one male+one female) to make a short presentation (10 min at the maximum total) based on the paper 'EnergyVision (vanVuuren, 2012)' to organize key challenges to address during the debate (among others).   

    2 - The debate will develop as follows:  

    11h10 (10 min): Initial presentation by the two volunteers.

    11h20 (20 min): Tour de table, each group of students presents who they represent in the debate (i.e. developing country or very rich country, global company or small company, NGO or other organisation, or any other), and makes a single statement (1-2 phrases) about its expectation regarding the key question os the debate (see the title). Each group should previously decide who will address the first intervention. 

    11h40 (60 min): Debate will evolve around the following guiding questions: (1) what are the (different and diverse) opportunities to achieve a sustainable and neutral carbon energy system to provide the energy services for the economy and consumers? (2) what barriers exist for such transformation? (3) what are the key factors to invest in? (4) what aspects should be avoided? [you may cover all aspects, from technology to financing, education or policy instruments, among others]. Each group's student need to raise hand to call for intervention! 

    12h40 (20 min): Final remarks from each group about the achievement regarding the debate's question (1-2 phrases). Each group should previously decide who will address the final intervention. 

    14h00 Close

    As the debate will run in Portuguese, the non-speaking Portuguese students (group pf 2) should write an essay (pdf) of 5 pages maximum, (1) taking the perspetive of a specific stakeholder (i.e. developing country or very rich country, global company or small company, NGO or other organisation, or any other); (2) elaborating at least on the the 4 previous questions, and (3) commenting on the key question (see the title). 

    Deadline: may 14, to my email.

  • Hands-on energy and GHG statistics

    [28 may] Statistics on energy and greenhouse gas emissions: understanding energy balances, converting energy units; creation of indicators and interpretation.

  • Discussion with each group

    [4 june 2021] Mentoring with each students' group: discussion on the approach and methods adopted by the students, expected results to be obtained with the final work; assessing preliminary results, if any. 

    J. Seixas, FCT-UNL

    • Energy Technology Perspectives 2020 focused on the technology needs and opportunities for reaching international climate and sustainable energy goals. The report’s comprehensive analysis maps out the technologies needed to tackle emissions in all parts of the energy sector, including areas where technology progress is still lacking such as long-distance transport and heavy industries. It shows the amount of emissions reductions that are required from electrification, hydrogen, bioenergy and carbon capture, utilisation and storage. It also provides an assessment of emissions from existing infrastructure and what can be done to address them.


    • This special report is the world’s first comprehensive study of how to transition to a net zero energy system by 2050 while ensuring stable and affordable energy supplies, providing universal energy access, and enabling robust economic growth. It sets out a cost-effective and economically productive pathway, resulting in a clean, dynamic and resilient energy economy dominated by renewables like solar and wind instead of fossil fuels. The report also examines key uncertainties, such as the roles of bioenergy, carbon capture and behavioural changes in reaching net zero.


    • Cadernos sobre os 7 worskhops técnicos com stakeholders que serviram de base à construção dos cenários futuros para Portugal

    • Cenários socio-económicos de evolução do País no Horizonte até 2050 

  • Last Class

    [18 junho 2021] Selected aspects related with energy systems transitions (Energy storage, Energy-efficiency, Sustainable mobility, Energy sustainability in cities). Julia Seixas FCT NOVA