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Looking for Team

Looking for Team

von Ilham Kurnia -
Anzahl Antworten: 2


My name is Ilham and I'm a first year master student in computational logic. I'm interested in participating in the local programming contest. Anybody wants to join up to form a team?

My English is reasonably well, but my Portuguese is unspeakable. So I'm also interested to gain some Portuguese knowledge via direct interaction.

A bit about myself:
I come from Indonesia and I've just completed my bachelor degree last month. I've participated in IOI 2002, ACM ICPC Asia-Manila Regional 2004 and 2005 (my team ranked 5th and 17th, respectively), and routinely participate at TopCoder matches (my profile).


Als Antwort auf Ilham Kurnia

Re: Looking for Team

von Rui Gonçalves Domingues -
Hello, my name is Rui. I'm 21.

I'm trying this year to complete my bachelor degree, hoping to start my mSc next year.
I'd like to join you in a team, if you're interested.
As you can see, my English is not bad, neither good, however, I read and understand better than I write. (It's lack of practice).

I'm from Portugal. I've participated in ONI( National Olympiads in Informatics), and consequently I've also participated in IOI, but in 2003.
Since than, I've participated a few times in the local programming contest.

As I see, you're in much, much better "shape" than me on programming contests, but if you want i join you.



Als Antwort auf Rui Gonçalves Domingues

Re: Looking for Team

von Ilham Kurnia -

It'd be my pleasure to join up with you. I'll send you an email so we don't overcrowd this forum.
