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Looking for Team

Looking for Team

par Ilham Kurnia,
Nombre de réponses : 2


My name is Ilham and I'm a first year master student in computational logic. I'm interested in participating in the local programming contest. Anybody wants to join up to form a team?

My English is reasonably well, but my Portuguese is unspeakable. So I'm also interested to gain some Portuguese knowledge via direct interaction.

A bit about myself:
I come from Indonesia and I've just completed my bachelor degree last month. I've participated in IOI 2002, ACM ICPC Asia-Manila Regional 2004 and 2005 (my team ranked 5th and 17th, respectively), and routinely participate at TopCoder matches (my profile).


En réponse à Ilham Kurnia

Re: Looking for Team

par Rui Gonçalves Domingues,
Hello, my name is Rui. I'm 21.

I'm trying this year to complete my bachelor degree, hoping to start my mSc next year.
I'd like to join you in a team, if you're interested.
As you can see, my English is not bad, neither good, however, I read and understand better than I write. (It's lack of practice).

I'm from Portugal. I've participated in ONI( National Olympiads in Informatics), and consequently I've also participated in IOI, but in 2003.
Since than, I've participated a few times in the local programming contest.

As I see, you're in much, much better "shape" than me on programming contests, but if you want i join you.
