1. International Council of Societies of Industrial Design:

Design is a creative activity whose aim is to establish the multi-faceted qualities of objects, processes, services and their systems in whole life-cycles. Therefore, design is the central factor of innovative humanisation of technologies and the crucial factor of cultural and economic exchange.

Design seeks to discover and assess structural, organisational, functional, expressive and economic relationships, with the task of:

+ Enhancing global sustainability and environmental protection (global ethics)
+ Giving benefits and freedom to the entire human community, individual and collective
+ Final users, producers and market protagonists (social ethics)
+ Supporting cultural diversity despite the globalisation of the world (cultural ethics)
+ Giving products, services and systems, those forms that are expressive of (semiology) and coherent with (aesthetics) their proper complexity.

Design concerns products, services and systems conceived with tools, organisations and logic introduced by industrialisation – not just when produced by serial processes. The adjective "industrial" put to design must be related to the term industry or in its meaning of sector of production or in its ancient meaning of "industrious activity". Thus, design is an activity involving a wide spectrum of professions in which products, services, graphics, interiors and architecture all take part. Together, these activities should further enhance – in a choral way with other related professions – the value of life.

Therefore, the term designer refers to an individual who practices an intellectual profession, and not simply a trade or a service for enterprises.


2. Paulo Parra:

Enquanto metodologia, o design é um extraordinário instrumento universal de trabalho; como factor de desenvolvimento é uma poderosa ferramenta na conquista da competitividade das economias; como disciplina construtiva e actividade criativa é o mais recente domínio eficaz de afirmação da diversidade cultural, pela capacidade que a disciplina tem de integrar com naturalidade a tradição num processo que persegue a inovação na construção da contemporaneidade.


3. Kenji Ekuan:

Design is a process of turning people's ideas into forms. Transforming the invisible into the visible, design is also the operation of turning mental, social and spiritual entities into physical ones. Design is the process of the human creation of new realities. However, this assumes a thorough knowledge of the qualities and effects of the material world. Good design is the result of an excellent idea going into a good form, an excellent immaterial entity going into a good material one. Creating reality is always a synthetic activity, and the result must be beautiful.



1. International Council of Societies of Industrial Design


2. Paulo Parra (Portugal, 1961)

Doutorado pela Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa, tem um Mestrado pela Faculdade de Arquitectura do Porto, Curso de Pós-Graduação em Design de Equipamento e Produtos do IDUP e Licenciatura em Design de Equipamento da Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade de Lisboa. Seleccionado pela DOMUS ACADEMY para a frequência do Master em Design Industrial. Professor Assistente da disciplina de Design de Equipamento I da FBAUL; Membro do Concelho Científico do IADE (1998/02) e do Concelho Pedagógico da ESAD (1995/97); professor Coordenador de Design Industrial da Escola Superior de Arte e Design (1994/97) e do Instituto de Arte e Design (1995/97); professor das disciplinas de Teoria e de Projecto de Design Industrial da ESAD (1992/98), de História e de Projecto de Design Industrial (1995/98) e de Introdução ao Design Industrial no IADE (1993/95). Foi coordenador da equipa responsável pelo programa de Oficina de Design do Núcleo do Ensino Secundário do Ministério da Educação. Membro fundador do Grupo EX MACHINA; Establece Ed. OFICINAOXIGÉNIO; Establece PauloParraDesign.


3. Kenji Ekuan (Japão, 1929)

Kenji Ekuan, born in 1929, graduated from the National University of Fine Arts and Music in Tokyo in 1955. In 1957, he founded GK Industrial Design Associates, which later became the GK Design Group, the chairman of which he is today. His designs range from household articles and furniture through motorbikes to modern high-speed trains. His ideas created international design trends. It is important for him to understand design as a source for improving life among other things. Since 1988, he is chairman of the humanitarian organisation "Design for the World" and also has important positions in design-oriented associations such as the ICSID and the Japan Institute of Design.


Última alteração: sábado, 4 de agosto de 2012 às 18:17